One Wealth Map Blog

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All comments are monitored and we love when people participate. We do not allow any solicitations, political or religious promotion or basically anything that resembles hate, or just being a jerk. This is not Social Media. We learn from each other and this is the place to do it, not the other stuff

A Message From Ken Himmler


Please join in a healthy discussion and place to go for "real" non-biased conversations without us directing you to, scaring you to, or leaning to something we sell.

This is not your normal blog where the authors are leveraging media to get you to do what benefits them. I don't believe there is much GOOD/BAD in the financial world.

There are those who will want to scare you or convince you their way is the only way.

This is why we call it Mapping.

You get to chose your journey, chose your route and chose how you travel.

How you want to do things is different than anyone else - which is why everyone has to create their own map.

One Wealth Map Launch

It has been a lot of years working within four different companies. Now, for the sake of simplicity, we are consolidating our brand to One Wealth Map ...more

Company News

July 10, 20241 min read

One Wealth Map Launch

One Wealth Map | 1980 Festival Plaza Drive, Ste 300, Las Vegas, NV 89135|

H&H Retirement Design and Management, Inc. is a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. For more information on our firm, please visit SEC.GOV for a full Form ADV II and the form CRS. Any discussion, text, video or communication on this site should not be considered a recommendation, projection, or assumption of any returns, risks, or future projections of any type of investment, process or plan. Any recommendation can only be made by one of our licensed advisors after consideration of acceptance as a client. No initial communications, without formal engagement should be considered a recommendation or suggestion. H&H Tax and Business Advisors, LLC. is a separate, Non-SEC Registered Advisor but is a commonly owned company practicing in tax and business advisory services. Please visit HHTBA.Com for specific services related to H&H Tax and Business Advisors, LLC. Please visit our privacy policy and terms of service for this website. Please visit our Client Relationship Summary (ADV III) and our Firm Brochure (ADV II) This site is published for residents of the United States only. Investment Advisor Representatives of H&H Retirement Design and Management Inc may only conduct business with residents of the states and/or jurisdictions in which they are properly registered. Not all of the products and services referenced on this site may be available in every state and through every advisor listed. One Wealth Map is a holding company for multiple related companies under the One Wealth Map Brand. H&H Retirement Design and Management, Inc, H&H Tax and Business Advisors, LLC, Integrated Wealth Management, LLC, Asset and Income Protections Services, LLC.

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